Where to Obtain MMS

The easiest places to purchase Sodium Chlorite for MMS use are online marketplaces like Amazon or eBay.

What to Look For:

Important Storage Information:

Store the sodium chlorite flakes in a glass jar. Plastic containers may disintegrate over time.

Making MMS Solution from 80% Sodium Chlorite Flakes

Follow these steps to create an MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) solution using 80% sodium chlorite flakes and a 50% citric acid activator solution.

Creating the MMS Solution

  1. Gather your materials:
    • A glass or plastic bowl
    • 720 grams of distilled water (warm or room temperature)
    • A separate glass or plastic container
    • 280 grams of 80% sodium chlorite powder
    • A plastic or glass spoon (do NOT use metal)
    • A plastic or glass bottle for storing the MMS solution
    • Optional: Coffee filter
  2. Measure 720 grams of distilled water into the glass or plastic bowl.
  3. In the other container, measure out 280 grams of sodium chlorite powder.
  4. Carefully pour the sodium chlorite powder into the distilled water.
  5. Using the plastic or glass spoon, stir the mixture until the sodium chlorite is completely dissolved.
  6. If you notice small particles at the bottom that won't dissolve, you can filter the solution through a coffee filter.
  7. Pour the MMS solution into your plastic or glass bottle.
  8. Store the MMS solution in a cool, dark place.

Mixing the 50% Citric Acid Activator Solution

  1. Gather your materials:
    • A container for mixing
    • 2 ounces (56 grams) of citric acid
    • 2 ounces (56 grams) of warm distilled water
    • A stirring utensil
    • A bottle for storing the activator solution
  2. Measure out 2 ounces (56 grams) of citric acid into the mixing container.
  3. Add 2 ounces (56 grams) of warm distilled water to the citric acid.
  4. Mix the solution well until the citric acid is fully dissolved.
  5. Pour the 50% citric acid solution into its separate bottle for activation.
  6. To use it, add equal amounts in drops from both bottles (The MMS Bottle and the Citric Acid Bottle). If you are using just an 8 oz. glass of water, add three drops from each bottle into your empty glass and wait 45 seconds until the liquit turns a dark color with a strong scent. Add your water and enjoy!

    I buy 5 gallons of bottled water and when I get it home, I add 225 drops (15 grams) from each bottle into a small cup and wait for it to activate, then I pour it into the bottled water. I now am drinking 3 drops with every glass whenever I drink water!

    You might have to work your way up to 3 drops per glass slowly to avoid nausia or diarrhea.

The MMS 1000 Protocol

The Protocol 1000 for oral intake is effective in over 90% of applications. It's suitable for basic body cleansing, heavy metal elimination, preventative measures, or acute to severe infections/illnesses.

Understanding the Protocol

Early MMS books recommended infrequent but high doses. However, because chlorine dioxide typically remains active in the body for only about 2 hours before decaying, those recommendations were revised.

The old, high-dose method often caused intolerance and premature discontinuation of self-treatment. The current Protocol 1000 uses smaller, more frequent individual doses throughout the day.

This ensures a continuous flush of chlorine dioxide in the body, which is more compatible and effective than previous methods. The goal is to take single doses of initially 1, and later up to 3, activated drops approximately eight times per day.

Practical Application

For convenience, especially when away from home, you can prepare the entire daily dose in the morning:

  1. Calculate your daily dose: Start with 1 activated drop per dose, working up to 3 drops per dose. Multiply the number of drops per dose by 8 (the number of doses per day). For example, if you're using 3 drops per dose, your total daily dose is 3 x 8 = 24 activated drops.
  2. Activate your total daily dose: Activate the total number of drops calculated in step 1 following activation instructions (mixing with an activator like citric acid).
  3. Prepare your daily solution: After the activation time of 45 seconds, add the activated MMS into a sealable glass bottle with approximately 1 liter of water.
  4. Consume throughout the day: Drink the solution in about 8 servings throughout the day. To help you pace yourself, make 8 equal marks on the bottle so you can drink each marked section each hour.
  5. Duration: Continue this procedure daily for at least 3-4 weeks, and longer for acute illnesses.


Before starting Protocol 2000, you should already be following Protocol 1000 (e.g., adding 3 drops per hour of MMS).

It basically is taking as many drops of activated MMS each hour as a person can take without becoming any sicker, or feeling worse, or developing diarrhea. It must be done for 10 hours a day, for 3 weeks or until well. It is best to start off with only one drop an hour and quickly build up to as many drops as you can take, again let me say without without feeling worse. Remember all drops must be activated as given below. Please take this to heart, do not make yourself sicker than you already are. Take as many drops as you can, but easy dose it. Making yourself sicker uses up energy and makes the recovery go slower.

Key Changes for Protocol 2000:

Dosage Guidelines (Drops per Dose Hourly):

Weight Dosage (Drops Hourly)
80-100 lbs. 8 drops
100-120 lbs. 8 drops
120-140 lbs. 9 drops
140-160 lbs. 10 drops
160-180 lbs. 11 drops
180-200 lbs. 12 drops
Over 200 lbs. Increase by 1 drop for each 20 lbs over 200 lbs

But if you don't want to make up a single dose each hour, you can make 10 doses in the morning, and keep the solution in a closed container all day. Just follow the above instructions multiplying all the figures by 10 and then put that liquid in a closed container. Take 1/10th of it each hour. Don't worry the MMS will last hours longer than is needed so long as you keep the lid on tight.

This protocol is for all kinds of cancer and life threatening diseases no matter what kind and including Alzheimer.